
Utilities for Borders

# Usage

Borders can be added to elements with the .{border}-{$color}-{$shade} utility class. For example, the class.border-grey-500 will give an element a full grey border. Here are some examples of the different types of borders you can make with Athena.

<div class="border-blue-300 ..."></div>
<div class="border-indigo-300 ..."></div>
<div class="border-grey-500 rounded-md ..."></div>
<div class="border-green-500 rounded-2xl ..."></div>

Round out your corners

The above example includes borders which are rounded. This is achieved by using the .rounded-{xs|sm|md|lg|2xl|3xl} utility class. The default border-radius’ for each size can be found below.

Add borders to a single side

Borders can also be added to a single side of an element through the .{border}-{t|r|b|l}-{$color}-{$shade} utility class. For example, the class border-t-indigo-500 will give an element an indigo border but only on the top. Take a look below!

<div class="border-t-blue-300 bg-grey-200 ..."></div>
<div class="border-l-indigo-300 bg-grey-200 ..."></div>
<div class="border-b-grey-500 bg-grey-200 ..."></div>
<div class="border-r-green-500 bg-grey-200 ..."></div>

Use with hover variant

You can use borders to convey interactivity by appending them with the hover: variant. Take a look at this button which changes color when you hover over it.

<button class="ph-5 pv-3 border-orange-500 text-orange-500 hover:border-orange-600 hover:text-orange-600 clickable">Click Me</button>

# Variables

Like all other utilities in Athena, the borders utility comes with variables to which can be modified for an more unique feel. The $border-size variable controls the size of the border strokes.

The border radius system works similar to the spacing system. Each prefix has an associated default size which is scaled by the $border-radius-modifier variable. So you can tweak individual radius sizes or scale up/down the entire system by modifying the $border-radius-modifier.

Source Code

// 3. Borders
// ==========================================================================

$border-size: 1px;
$border-radius-modifier: 1;
$border-radius-sizes: (
  "xs": 0.2rem,
  "sm": 0.4rem,
  "md": 0.7rem,
  "lg": 1rem,
  "xl": 1.5rem,
  "2xl": 2rem,
  "3xl": 4rem,
$border-variants: "hover", "active", "focus";