
Utilities for flex items and containers

The Flex display type comes with extra utilities to handle flex boxes and containers for modern UI design.

# Justify & align

You can use the jc-{$direction} utility on a flex container to justify the items along the longitudinal axis. You can also use the ai-{$direction} on a flex container to align items along the transverse axis. The directions which are support are as follows;

  • flex-start
  • flex-end
  • center
  • space-between
  • space-around
  • stretch
  • baseline

For example, jc-center would center justify all flex items along the flex longitudinal axis. In the case of a row flex container this would be equivalent to a horizontal center.

# Variables

// 6. Flex
// ==========================================================================

$justify-content-directions: (
  0: flex-start,
  1: flex-end,
  2: center,
  3: space-between,
  4: space-around,
  5: stretch,
  6: baseline,
) !default;

$flex-variants: ();