Getting Started
utilities for Positioning
# Positioning types
# Insets
Use the inset-{$direction}-{$proportion}
utility class to set the absolute position of an element.
For example, inset-t-quarter
would position the element with top: 25%
, or inset-b-0
would position the element with bottom: 0
. Don’t forget to add the utility class absolute
to allow for inset styles.
# Variables
// 9. Position
// ==========================================================================
$positionings: (
0: absolute,
1: fixed,
2: relative,
3: sticky,
) !default;
$insets: (
"full": 100%,
"two-thirds": 66.7%,
"half": 50%,
"third": 33.3%,
"quarter": 25%,
"0": 0,
) !default;
$inset-directions: (
l: left,
r: right,
t: top,
b: bottom,
) !default;
$position-variants: ();